What is VMworld and why should everyone involved in virtualization and cloud computing take part in it? VMworld is the main event of the year in the field of virtualization, this year it will take place from September 29 to October 1. The main news, of course, is that VMworld 2020 Online is completely free […]
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Компания Vixen.UNO приглашает вас принять участие в конференции – EUC security and innovations, 14 марта 2019. в Киеве (в конференц-зале ресторана Boboti по адресу ул. Срибнокильская 1а). Основные партнеры мероприятия: Trend Micro, Micro Focus, Cossack Labs В рамках этого мероприятия вы узнаете о безопасности виртуализированного ЦОДа и приложений. – Действительно ли сложно построить безопасную инфраструктуру? […]
Dear colleagues! The company VMware invites you to participate in the developer’s day, which will be held August 7 in Kiev. As part of this event, you will learn about the automation of resources, scaling, translating into a productive environment, we’ll tell you: how to solve these issues when building a development environment. Is it […]
The company Vixen.UNO, being an IT partner of the event, invites the friends of agrarians to take part in #SmartFieldDays (where it will be possible to win an interesting prize;)) Smart Field Days – complex event, the format of the festival and the business exhibition, which is focused on demonstrating and introducing innovative, smart and […]
June 14, Vixen.UNO and Baltnet held a business breakfast for partners and customers in the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania in Kiev. During breakfast, we shared the best practices for ensuring the technical and physical security of data. And also considered possible options and advantages of cooperation with Lithuanian data centers. During the welcoming […]
05.06.2018 seminar Anatomy of Business: Practical knowledge and experience. Leading experts of financial, marketing and IT companies shared their own experience, successful projects and the secrets of achieving results. How to build, profitably sell, bypass competitors, what trends drive the current market – we talked with: Vladimir Sobolev – Head of Marketing, Privat Bank, Dnipro […]